How do you create a new Space using Confluence REST API?

Hi everyone,

I am building a jira plugin which should create a confluence space.
The example in docs POST request of /rest/api/space is working fine, but it adds a standard content on the homepage body and ignores mine.

I tried this json:

   "name":"Test 14",
            "value":"<p>This is the updated text for the new page</p>",

…but it doesn’t work. It does not add my content into the homepage.

In addition, I tried using the PUT /rest/api/space/{spaceKey} rest to update the homepage after creation of the Space:

    "key": "T14",
    "name": "Test 14",
    "description": {
        "plain": {
            "value": "This is an example space",
            "representation": "plain",
            "embeddedContent": []
            "value":"<p>This is the updated text for the new page</p>",
    "metadata": {}

…and it doesn’t work as well.

What is the correct way of adding a content into the homepage during the space creation?

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Finally I’ve got it worked.
The answer is here:

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