How to achieve dropdown in jira main page for addons

Hi folks,
I’m trying to achieve something like this in my Jira main page for the addon that I’m working on…


Can someone please let me know how this can be done and quote some reference ? TIA!

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I did some research and found that this can be achieved using “web items”.

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@NishantV can you let us know how you did that? iI am trying to do thew same thing but couldn’t able to do it.

It can be achieved using web items and web sections in your descriptor file… Please read the below to get an idea about it…

 "modules": {
        "webItems": [
                "name": {
                    "value": "My dropdown"
                "location": "",
                "url": "/hello-world",
                "key": "my-dropdown"
                "name": { "value": "A: First item" },
                "url": "/hello-world",
                "key": "dropdown-1-1",
                "location": "my-dropdown/dropdown-section-1",
                "weight": 1
                "name": { "value": "A: Second item" },
                "url": "/hello-world",
                "key": "dropdown-1-2",
                "location": "my-dropdown/dropdown-section-1",
                "weight": 2
"webSections": [
                "name": { "value": "Section A" },
                "location": "my-dropdown",
                "key": "dropdown-section-1"
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it worked as expected! Thanks a lot!