How to add new Handler in jira editor plugin

Hi Everyone,

I am wondering how to add new handler in jira editor plugin.

When I was going through the following tutorial, got to know about NodeHandler in jira editor plugin.

Could you please anyone help me on this?

I want to add new Handler in NodeHandler to handle our plugin tag. Tried the following way but didn’t work

Customizer.customizeSettings(function (tinymceSettings, tinymce, SchemaBuilder) {

        "use strict";

        var NodeHandler = require('jira/editor/converter/handlers/node-handler');
        var Strings = require('jira/editor/converter/util/strings');
        var OurLinkHandler = NodeHandler.extend({
            init: function (node) {
                this.node = node;
                var attrHref = this.node.getAttribute("href");
                var href = Strings.resolveUrl(attrHref, Strings.getBaseUrl());
                this.href = href;
       NodeHandler.addHandler('A', OurLinkHandler);