How to check is Jira Software Application installed/enabled programmatically?

How to check is Jira Software Application installed/enabled programmatically?

source Code below do not work.

if (ComponentAccessor.getPluginAccessor().isPluginEnabled("com.atlassian.jira.plugins.jira-greenhopper-plugin")) {
			return SUCCESS;
		} else {
			return ERROR;

Maybe you can check if current user has access to software application?

ApplicationAuthorizationService#canUseApplication(user, SOFTWARE_KEY);

With this key ApplicationKey.valueOf("jira-software").

Why would you want to know if software is installed or not?

I want to check if Jira Software installed or not because my App haves servlets which containig a functionality that work only with Jira Software like makes a Gantt Chart from Sprints. I do not want to confuse my customers with empty pages without content, etc.

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Also I have a problem if user uninstalls the applications Jira Service Desk and/or Jira Software then my App functionality stops working if there is any projects made with Jira Service Desk and/or Jira Software before the uninstallation.

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