How to do Bean Validation for REST services of server plugin

Hi Experts,

I have tried this example but this is not working for REST services of JIRA serve plugin

Any sample code would be helpful.

Hi, @dchouksey89
Did you manage to solve the problem?

I have the same trouble. I want to validate Dto object when it comes to REST.


public class UserDto {
    @Size(min = 2, max = 100, message = "Name must be between 2 and 100 characters")
    private String name;

User Resource:

public class UserResource {

   private final UserService userService;

    public UserResource(UserService userService) {
        this.userService= userService;
    public Response create(@Valid UserDto userDto) {
        UserDto result = userService.add(userDto);
        return Response.ok().entity(result).build();

For validation I added a dependency:


I am using a rest client to send a JSON:

    "name": "w",

I expect that the name will not pass validation, the object will not be saved to the database and I will get a 400 error with my error message. However, the object is saved and I don’t get an error. And I retrieved STATUS 200 and JSON:

    "id": 1,
    "name": "w",

What could be the mistake? Or does this validation not work for Jira at all?


Hi @OleksiiSkachkov,

I am facing same issue. May be someone from Atlassian team can help us.

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I tried to check with the hibernate validator. Added a validator to rest, and now rest method looks like this:

    public Response create(@Valid UserDto userDto) {

        ValidatorFactory validatorFactory = Validation.buildDefaultValidatorFactory();
        Validator validator = validatorFactory.usingContext().getValidator();

        Set<ConstraintViolation<@Valid UserDto >> constrains = validator.validate(userDto);
        for (ConstraintViolation constrain : constrains) {

                    "[" + constrain.getPropertyPath() + "][" + constrain.getMessage() + "]"

        UserDto result = userService.add(userDto);
        return Response.ok().entity(result).build();

Also, I added to pom dependencies with hibernate validator:


It works fine. I retrieve in the command line:

But this is just a test. I would not like to use a validator in a situation where I can validate an object field using annotation.

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Thanks for the solution @OleksiiSkachkov

Hey, @dchouksey89
It’s a shame but this is not a solution. The annotation in the DTO class still doesn’t work. I just checked the validator.
Please uncheck “solution”.

I think this is because Jira (8.x) only includes Jax-RS / JSR-311 in version 1.1.1, but bean validation - if I understand right - is only in there since 2.0.

Maybe it’s possible to integrate it somehow, or to add a servlet filter or interceptor to validate input parameters, but I haven’t tried.


I got this working at least in a basic environment (8.9.0) by adding the following to my pom.xml. What errors are you receiving? In my case, I had many unfound dependencies, which I suppose comes from my usage of * in the <Import-Package> statement.

    <!-- include javax.validation dependencies -->


    <!-- end javax.validation dependencies -->


    <!-- exclude the javax.validation bits we don't need -->
    <!-- end customization for javax.validation -->

My object is fairly standard:

public class Project {
    @NotNull(message = "Cannot be null")
    private Long id;

I receive valid Violations:

validator.validate(project).forEach(violation -> errors.addErrorMessage(violation.getMessage(), 
  "errorMessages": [
    "Cannot be null"
  "errors": {},
  "reasons": [

@sfbehnke did you manage to make the Atlassian Spring context validate your beans based solely on the annotations or did you have to wire a validator and perform the call yourself?
From the last line there ([quote=“sfbehnke, post:8, topic:38530”]
validator.validate(project).forEach(violation -> errors.addErrorMessage(violation.getMessage(),
[/quote]) I believe it’s the later. I would be interested if anybody managed to implement the former.

The later only. It’s been years since this post though. I usually roll my own validation handling unfortunately given the lack of support of jax 2.0.

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supposedly jax2 is coming in platform 7