How to get all the issues associated with a project in Custom UI?


I’ve been struggling to find all issues associated with a project in Forge in Custom UI.

I see that we can use getContext in the issuePanel or other issue level modules to get details about the issue; But I couldn’t find how to find all the issues at project level?

Also, from the globalPage I can get all projects in Custom UI; But how to get all the issues associated with those projects?

Thank you for your time.

Hi @AbishekMuthian,

You may use JQL search to find all the issues for a particular project:



I think you can use the globalPage module.

I think the endpoint you are looking for is GET /rest/agile/1.0/board/{boardId}/issue

See Jira Agile Server 9.5.0 REST API reference

Hi Vitali,

Thank you, But when I try that I don’t receive the issues but just the project details -

INFO    02:49:07.922  8ae7d7655d9668b4  data {
  "self": "",
  "maxResults": 50,
  "startAt": 0,
  "total": 2,
  "isLast": true,
  "values": [
      "expand": "description,lead,issueTypes,url,projectKeys,permissions,insight",
      "self": "",
      "id": "10001",
      "key": "AP2",
      "name": "Abishek Project -2",
      "avatarUrls": {
        "48x48": "",
        "24x24": "",
        "16x16": "",
        "32x32": ""
      "projectTypeKey": "software",
      "simplified": false,
      "style": "classic",
      "isPrivate": false,
      "properties": {}
      "expand": "description,lead,issueTypes,url,projectKeys,permissions,insight",
      "self": "",
      "id": "10000",
      "key": "AT",
      "name": "Abishek's Project -1",
      "avatarUrls": {
        "48x48": "",
        "24x24": "",
        "16x16": "",
        "32x32": ""
      "projectTypeKey": "software",
      "simplified": true,
      "style": "next-gen",
      "isPrivate": false,
      "properties": {},
      "entityId": "8d040a3c-8c6a-4d4a-9ce0-788eb4b6d27c",
      "uuid": "8d040a3c-8c6a-4d4a-9ce0-788eb4b6d27c"

I see that the request seems to be in proper format, Not sure what I am doing wrong.

I got the issue, I had /project in the URL :man_facepalming:t5: .

Thank you all.

Hi @vpetrychuk ,

I’m Using a Forge App, I tried by using the JQL search to find all issues for a particular project:
But throws a error “OAuth 2.0 is not enable for the method”

Any other solution to overcome this error?

Hey, @JanarthananRamesh,

I think the problem is that you have “%3F” in your URL instead of “?”. Revise how you’re constructing that URL.

Hey, @kkercz ,

Thank you for the reply.

Actually I’m constructed my URL like this in my code