How to get users of project

hi there,
may I know how to get member users of given project? Thanks!
I used “” with params {,‘projectKeys’: ‘project_key’}, but returned all users.

Hi Jin,
I’m a little unsure of what you mean when you say member. If you’re getting all users in the results for the above API call, that would indicate all users can be assigned issues in the specified projects. Is that not what you were expecting?
Are you trying to find a list of all users who have a certain level of access in the specified project?
Do you know whether the project is a classic or next-gen project?

hi Melissa,
thanks for replying. when I enter project “Active sprints”, I can see user list beside search input. I want to get these users. I want to know both “Classic software” and “Next-gen software”. Thanks!

Hi Jin,
When you say you enter project - what do you mean - are you on the Project page - and can you elaborate on where you’re seeing search inputs? If you can provide a screen shot that might help me to understand better.