How to load other page to JiraProjectPage iFrame

After playing with this, looks that it’s possible to do it using application context variables. So in order to do it, the page should be defined something like this:

"jiraProjectPages": [{
    "url": "pageOne/{ac.subpage}?projId={}&projKey={project.key}",
    "iconUrl": "/img/icon.svg",
    "weight": 100,
    "name": {
        "value": "cool App"
    "key": "coolApp"

Unfortunatelly this requires changing endpoints on server from




But then it is enough to call from source code new page like this:

function removeApplicationContextParamsFromUrl(url){
  const allUrlParts = url.split('&');
  if(allUrlParts.length == 1) return allUrlParts[0];
  const noACparts = allUrlParts.filter((item)=>item.startsWith('ac.')==false);
  return noACparts.join('&');
  const url = `${removeApplicationContextParamsFromUrl(location)}&ac.subpage=pageTwo`;
  AP.navigator.go('site', {
    absoluteUrl: url

Such call supports history, reloading and additionally links can be copied, send to others and they will have the same subpage opened in the application.
Big minus is that entire Jira page is reloading and this takes time :frowning:

So possibly combining this as entry point to single app page would be better to be used :thinking:.