Hi @aknight , @ChongJingHong
I have a requirement to put some custom changes to Macro input fields. I tried to do in the same way as you mentioned . But it seems not working at all for me . Could you please tell me what is wrong in this code. ?
This is my custom-editor.js file code.
//reference: confluence-stash-macro/stash-macro.js at master · Scuilion/confluence-stash-macro · GitHub
// Documentation for AJS.MacroBrowser.setMacroJsOverride - #2 by aknight
// How to override MacroBrowser postPreview function? - #3 by ChongJingHong
(function($) {
var Helloworld = function(){
var originalCode;
console.log(“Inside custom-editor.js”);
//overrides the parameter field UI based on parameter type or parameter name
Helloworld.prototype.fields = {
"string" : function(param, options){
if(param.name == "Code"){
// Confluence.Templates.MacroBrowser.macroParameter() returns a String:
// <div class="macro-param-div"><label></label><input type="text" class="text"/></div>
// paramDiv creates the above elements
var paramDiv = AJS.$(Confluence.Templates.MacroBrowser.macroParameter());
console.log("inside fields override");
// $(selector, context)
// selector - A string containing a selector expression i.e. id of tag
// context - A DOM Element, Document, jQuery or selector to use as context
// create paramDiv with id="macro-para-div-Code"
var input = AJS.$("macro-param-div-Code", paramDiv);
var textArea = document.createElement("textarea");
textArea.style.resize = "none";
textArea.style.overflow = "scroll";
textArea.style.whiteSpace = "nowrap";
textArea.setAttribute("rows", "12");
textArea.setAttribute("cols", "28");
textArea.setAttribute("id", "macro-param-Code");
textArea.setAttribute("class", "macro-param-input");
var label = document.createElement("label");
label.innerHTML = "Code";
label.setAttribute("for", "macro-param-Code");
return AJS.MacroBrowser.Field(paramDiv, input, options);
//a function to run before an existing macro is loaded into the parameter form fields
helloworld.prototype.beforeParamsSet = function(selectedParams, macroSelected){
originalCode = selectedParams.code;
console.log("Orignal Code : " + originalCode);
return selectedParams;
//a function to run before the form fields are converted into a macro parameter string
Helloworld.prototype.beforeParamsRetrieved = function(params){
params.code = $("#macro-param-Code").val();
console.log("params.code : " + params.code);
return params;
//called with the preview iframe element and macro metadata when the user previews the macro
// MermaidMacro.prototype.postPreview = function(iframe, macro){
// console.log("postPreview iframe : " + iframe);
// console.log($(AJS.$('.mermaid')));
// console.log(typeof mermaid.init(undefined, $(AJS.$('.mermaid'))));
// iframe.srcdoc = "hello";
// return iframe;
// }
console.log("Inside ajs init");
AJS.bind("init.rte", function(){
console.log("inside init.rte");
AJS.MacroBrowser.setMacroJsOverride('helloworld', new helloworld());
<web-resource key="myConfluenceMacro-resources" name="myConfluenceMacro Web Resources">
<resource type="download" name="myConfluenceMacro.css" location="/css/myConfluenceMacro.css"/>
<resource type="download" name="helloworld.js" location="/js/helloworld.js"/>
<resource type="download" name="custom-editor.js" location="/js/custom-editor.js" />
<resource type="download" name="images/" location="/images"/>
<!-- <context>atl.general</context>-->
<xhtml-macro name="helloworld" class="com.atlassian.tutorial.macro.helloworld" key='helloworld-macro'>
<description key="helloworld.macro.desc"/>
<parameter name="Name" type="string" />
<parameter name="Code" type="string"/>
I have also tried to put a debugger break points and found out control is not going inside “Helloworld.prototype.fields = {” function.
Please help to comment.