How to provide version for JIRA core provided transitive dependencies in sbt?

[error] (*:update) sbt.ResolveException: unresolved dependency: com.atlassian.sal#sal-api;${sal.version}: not found

[error] unresolved dependency: com.atlassian.event#atlassian-event;${event.version}: not found

Any way to provide version for provided transitive dependencies ?

Its easily reproducible in any playframework app when you try to add the dependency and compile the project.

Sample repo: GitHub - sanjeevpande/play-jira-client: Repository to check the jira-client-core compatibility with play framework

I managed to fix it by adding notTransitive() attribute in the build.sbt

"com.atlassian.jira" % "jira-rest-java-client-core" % "5.1.0" notTransitive(),

and by adding the transitive dependencies manually.