How to retrieve the actual Jira instance I am in?

Another as of yet undocumented and thus possibly unsupported option:

I recently noticed that the GraphQL Gateway provides a tenantContexts GraphQL query which can be used to infer the site URL from the cloudId and vice versa, and it works for both Jira and Confluence:

A Jira or Confluence cloud instance, such as has a backing cloud ID such as 0ee6b491-5425-4f19-a71e-2486784ad694

This field allows you to look up the cloud IDs or host names of tenanted applications such as Jira or Confluence.

You MUST provide a list of cloud IDs or a list of host names to look up but not both otherwise an error will be returned

Here’s an example query:

query tenantContexts($cloudIds: [ID!]) {
  tenantContexts(cloudIds: $cloudIds) {

Providing a cloud ID from the useProductContext() hook yields e.g.:

  "data": {
    "tenantContexts": [
        "cloudId": "2ef567f6-17c6-421f-a6cc-2fb075be8be6",
        "hostName": ""

@danielwinterw - I realize that the GraphQL API is not yet officially supported, but given Forge uses it heavily and the product fetch API just gaining a (so far undocumented) requestGraph() method, can you maybe sneak peek indicate whether this might be a stable approach already? :slight_smile: