How to set JWT to get App used by specified user and not my App it self?

How to set JWT to get App used by specified user and not my App it self?

Just now if I try to add a work-logs with my app then work-log author is App name it self.

My code is now like this with PHP:

$qsh = hash('sha256', "POST&/rest/api/2/issue/".$issueId."/worklog&");

$iat = (integer) time();
$exp = (integer) time() + 3600;

$token = array(
	"iss" => $appKey, // app key from atlassian-connect.json
	"iat" => $iat,
	"exp" => $exp,
	"qsh" => $qsh

$jwt = JWT::encode($token, $secret); // $secrect variable comes from installed.txt file on my server's secret folder with no any access to file from out-side

In order to create the worklog as the user, you will need to use User Impersonation as detailed here:

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Thanks. This documentation will help me a lot but I need t investigate how do it programmatically.