I’m building a Forge app that integrates with Teams.
There only appears to be a REST API available to create a Team (https://developer.atlassian.com/platform/teams/rest/v1/api-group-teams-public-api/#api-group-teams-public-api) - the GraphQL endpoint does not include a mutation for creating a team.
Unfortunately the only way to access the REST API from within an app (that I know of) is using the “siteUrl”, ie. “mycustomer.atlassian.net/gateway/api/v4/teams/…”
However in order to call this endpoint from within a Forge app, the remote must be specifically declared in the manifest.yaml file. But since the siteUrl is unknown until a customer installs the app, it cannot be declared in the manifest.
So if the siteUrl can’t be added to the manifest, and any REST endpoints must be declared in the manifest in order to be used by a Forge app, how do developers interact with these APIs? Note that .requestJira, .requestConfluence, etc are not applicable as they have no support for Teams.
One alternative is the GraphQL api which can be accessed using the .requestGraph method, however there are no mutations to create or update Teams via GraphQL, so the only option is to use the REST API.
Thanks for any suggestions you have!