I want to print only specific field values of a specific issue

Hi, iragudo.
Thank you for your explanation.
But my “my $ issue = $ jira -> GET (” / issue / SMPKB-16? “);” Is “my $ jira = JIRA :: REST -> new”. It is a JIRA :: REST perl module.
So I can not change “my $issue = $jira -> GET(”/issue/SMPKB-16?");" to “my $issue = $jira -> GET(”/rest/api/2/issue/SMPKB-16?");".

So I changed and tested as below.

my $issue = $jira -> GET("/issue/SMPKB-16?fields=summary,description");
my $json_text = do {
open(my $json_fh, “<:encoding(UTF-8)”, $issue) or die (“Can’t open $issue”: $!\n");
local $/;

The following error occurs.
F:\ideaic\perl\site\lib>perl ideaic_interface_jira_get.pl
Can’t open $issue": No such file or directory

I printed the “$issue” value. The results are as follows.
get issue: HASH(0x3170d38)

The “hash” value appears to be entering.
How do I print ‘summary’ and ‘description’ values?