In Confluence 8.9, a plugin which needs to use the "blueprints" fails

I’ll post my solution, just in case:

  • There was a mistake in the title, it only failed in C8.9 but not C9.0,
  • I was using <rest-migration>, which is not required. If not used, then Confluence 7.19-8.9 will use the old REST v1, and Confluence 9.0 will use the new one, and the createcontent plugin doesn’t fail,

Now, I have:

  • A REST API which is only activated for Confluence 9.0, which contains the REST v2 imports,
  • A REST API which is only activated for Confluence 7.19-to-8.9, which contains the REST v1 imports,
  • A common REST API, which contains other resources which are not sensitive to package names,
  • I’ve created a separate module for each, so that only the correct libraries are included by Maven, and it’s much easier to write code with autocompletion :wink: See this post about polyfills if necessary.
    <rest key="rest" path="/my-rest-prefix/common" version="1" name="REST resources">
        <description>REST API for Requirement Yogi</description>

    <!-- Remove when Confluence 9.0 is the new minimum -->
    <rest key="rest-c719" path="/my-rest-prefix/compat" version="1" name="REST resources for C7 and C8">
        <description>REST APIs for Confluence 7.19 and above</description>
        <restrict application="confluence" version="(,9)" />
    <rest key="rest-c900" path="/my-rest-prefix/compat" version="1" name="REST resources for C9.0+">
        <description>REST APIs for Confluence 9.0 and above</description>
        <restrict application="confluence" version="(8.9999,)" />

Note the use of <restrict> which is incredibly useful for other situations too.

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