Internal error after forge deploy

I wanted to check the app on my site, and strangely it can’t even be uninstalled in app management because it’s not there ! and in the side panel where the issues are, it shows the app…

How do I fix this ? Is it a Jira Software error ?

forge deploy
Deploying your app to the development environment.
Press Ctrl+C to cancel.

Running forge lint...
No issues found.

Error: Server error: [{"message":"An unexpected error occurred","locations":[{"line":1,"column":190}],"path":["ecosystem","appInstallationsByApp","nodes",0,"batch_hydration__appEnvironment__appViewId"],"extensions":{"errorSource":"UNDERLYING_SERVICE","statusCode":500,"errorType":"INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR","classification":"DataFetchingException"}}], requestId=ba690cfc19fecde2

I checked my site

I think you’ve run into a problem with Forge app deployment, described here:
I’m facing now the same problems with uninstalls and upgrades Forge apps.


We’ve identified a problem with Forge app management (which includes installations and upgrades).
This incident is tracked on StatusPage.

I have the same error.