Is it possible to capture usage data on server add-on

Hello everyone!

I have an add-on for Confluence Server and I’d like to add something like analytics to it. What I want to see is the usage of this add-on (views), components that are really used and so.

My concern is: is it allowed on Confluence Server add-ons? I mean because of privacy.

I couldn’t find something about this topic and I’d like to know if I can proceed and send some stats to my server in the Cloud.

Thank you!

Privacy these days have to do with GDPR. Assuming that you store user details and your users consent on that, then I don’t see why not.

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How would you do this? I mean, do you plan to count the usage on a single instance (where the plugin is installed)? Or the overall usage (so, how many customer installed and use it)?

The idea is to track usage per instance and some events in the UI. Something like Google Analytics.