Issue with Updating Fields Not on the Edit Screen in Jira Cloud via API

I’m trying to update a field that is not on the edit screen using the /rest/api/3/issue/${issueId} native update API in Jira Cloud. However, it is returning a 400 Bad Request because the field is not on the screen. Is there a way to override this behavior in Forge?

To note, in Jira Data Center/Server plugin development, we use issueManager.updateIssue, which allows fields to be updated regardless of whether they are on the screen or not.

Thanks in advance!

Hello @IbrahimItani

For the REST APIs of the Jira Cloud platform, fields must be on the appropriate Issue screen to change their values.

Thanks in advance for understanding the answer provided!

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Hello @sunnyape
Thanks for the response, do you know any workaround for doing update even if it’s not on edit screen?
Thanks in advance :slight_smile: