JIRA Datacenter: how to properly re-index an issue via JAVA API?

On JIRA Datacenter, I use a listener to auto-transition an issue into another state and re-index that issue afterwards. Unfortunately, re-indexing seems not to be done on all JIRA instances as JIRA issue navigator shows the prior issue’s status. How to properly re-index an issue via the JAVA API?

					// execute workflow transitions within a separate thread:
					Thread executorThread = new Thread(new Runnable() {
					    public void run() {					    	
					        try {
					        	log.debug("wait 1 second, so that running workflow transitions are finished ...");
							} catch (InterruptedException e) {
							IssueInputParameters issueInputParameters = issueService.newIssueInputParameters();

							TransitionValidationResult initialIssueTransitionValidationResult = issueService.validateTransition(user, issue.getId(), Integer.parseInt(transition), issueInputParameters);
							if (initialIssueTransitionValidationResult.isValid()) {
								IssueResult initialIssueTransitionResult = issueService.transition(user, initialIssueTransitionValidationResult);
								if (initialIssueTransitionResult.isValid()) {																				
									log.debug("executing non-nested workflow transition "+Integer.parseInt(transition) + " from '"+issue.getStatus().getName()+"' to '"+initialIssueTransitionResult.getIssue().getStatus().getName()+"'");
									List<ChangeItemBean> changeItemList = new ArrayList<ChangeItemBean>();
							    	ChangeItemBean       changeItemBean = new ChangeItemBean(ChangeItemBean.CUSTOM_FIELD, myFieldName, issue.getStatus().getId().toString(), issue.getStatus().getName(), initialIssueTransitionResult.getIssue().getStatus().getId().toString(), 
							    															"issue has been "+(myFieldState ? "signed-off" : "declined")+": auto transition → "+initialIssueTransitionResult.getIssue().getStatus().getName());			
							    	if (changeItemBean != null) {
							    		changeItemList.add( changeItemBean );
							    		createChangeGroup(delegator, user,issue, changeItemList);
									try {
										ComponentAccessor.getIssueIndexManager().reIndex(initialIssueTransitionResult.getIssue());    // ANYTHING, WHICH SHOULD BE DONE DIFFERENTLY, HERE ???
									} catch (IndexException e) {
								} else {
									String msg = jiraAuthenticationContext.getI18nHelper().getText("transition.error", issue.getKey(), initialIssueTransitionResult.getErrorCollection().getErrorMessages().toString());
									log.debug("CONFIGURATION ERROR: please check permission of user '" + user.getDisplayName() + "(" + user.getName() + ")' as she/he should be allowed to execute the workflow tranisition below!");
									log.debug("(1) "+msg);
									// addComment(user, issue, "@admin: Please verify my permission to execute workflow transition mentioned below!\n\n"+msg);
							} else {	
								String msg = jiraAuthenticationContext.getI18nHelper().getText("transition.error", issue.getKey(), initialIssueTransitionValidationResult.getErrorCollection().getErrorMessages().toString());
								log.debug("CONFIGURATION ERROR: please check permission of user '" + user.getDisplayName() + "(" + user.getName() + ")' as she/he should be allowed to execute the workflow tranisition below!");
								log.debug("(2) "+msg);
								// addComment(user, issue, "@admin: Please verify my permission to execute workflow transition mentioned below!\n\n"+msg);
							// unset technical-user to be taken care within bockingWorkflowCondition

I use the IssueIndexingService.

private void reindex(List<Issue> issues) {
    if (!issues.isEmpty()) {
        IssueIndexingParams params = IssueIndexingParams.INDEX_ISSUE_ONLY;
        try {
            long durationMillis = issueIndexingService.reIndexIssueObjects(issues, params);
            log.info("Reindexed {} issues in {} milliseconds.", issues.size(), durationMillis);
        } catch (IndexException e) {
            log.warn("Failed to reindex issues.", e);