Jira is requesting access that cannot be granted

I do:

forge create (jira-project-settings-page-ui-kit)

cd to my project directory

npm init
npm install @forge/ui
npm install @forge/api
forge deploy
forge install (Forge notify me then i use permission: scopes: read:me)

All work fine (I see the page with text: “Hello World”)

When I change my permission: scopes to:

- read:me
- read:jira-work

And do:

forge deploy
forge install --upgrade (Forge notify me then I use permission: read:jira-work). Where is read:me?

Jira want to permission when I can’t access (On screenshots)
Screenshot 1
Screenshot 2

Hey @v1taliyi ! Make sure you do run forge lint --fix to add all of the required scopes to the manifest.

Because this app is dev mode you need to use the same account to deploy/install the app.
It seems you installed the app and try to use it from different accounts.

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About forge lint --fix:

Running forge lint…
No issues found.

About Because this app is dev mode you need to use the same account to deploy/install the app:

When I build the app and don’t change anything, everything works fine. As soon as I change the access rights, I immediately get this error.

Hey, I asked the team owning this part of the forge to take a look a this thread. They should be able to help.

I solved it! Problem was in another account (Not developer). I have 3 account logged in. Last logged account was my developer, but when I click on Access button Jira select wrong account. And I don’t see it.

After it I logged out from all accounts and logged in only in my developer account. And it’s work.

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