Menu for new JIRA administration web section

Hi all,

I created a web section under “Administration” with a link pointing to a servlet,
This all works fine. However, My plugin contains several servlets, which I would like to reach through a menu on the left side, just like for the other JIRA Administration (Project, Issues etc…) topics.
The blank area on the left is displayed with the servlet, but I cannot seem to find the location/section to place all the web-items for the servlets.
How can I achieve this?

This is what I have in atlassian-plugin.xml:

<web-section key="my-tools-section" name="my-tools-section" location="">
	<label>My Tools</label>

  <web-item key="web-item-myservlet" name="web-item-myservlet" section="my-tools-section">
	<link linkId="web-item-myservlet-link">/plugins/servlet/myservlet</link>

And in the servlet:

<meta name="decorator" content="atl.admin">
<meta name="" content="my-tools-section">

Hi @oliver.weiser

I did it this way:

<web-section i18n-name-key="" key="release-manager-admin-section" location="admin_plugins_menu" weight="10">
    <label key=""/>
<web-item key="release-manager-admin-access-group-item" name="Access Group" section="admin_plugins_menu/release-manager-admin-section" weight="30">
    <description key="release-manager-admin-section-desc">General description</description>
    <label key=""/>
    <link linkId="release-manager-admin-section-link">/plugins/servlet/releasemanager/AdminAccessGroup</link>