Migrating to Connect on Forge and having issues with production installation

We’ve migrated one of our apps to Connect on Forge. Right after we did this - we ended up with an issue with our license and can’t “install” the app since according to the add-on manager - it’s already installed on our instance (which it’s not…). (We ended up with our app being uninstalled)

We’ve escalated to Atlassian support (and others) - but it’s been a month and it’s still being worked on.

We’re kinda leery of switching any of our other apps to Connect on Forge since we don’t know what the root cause is - but we feel it’s due to to something connected to the Connect on Forge migration (hoping at some point we’ll be shown wrong).

Anyone else having the same issue or is it just us?


Hi @danielwester I’m following up with the team to see if they are aware of this support issue and I believe you have been asked privately for the ticket link just in case.

We’ll have a look at what is going on here and give you a solid answer.

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Not related to Connect on Forge, but I have a Forge app on one of my site which is installed twice in dev with 2 different environments, and only one of them is visible in Manage Apps, so I cannot uninstall the second one. In the Developer Console, same thing, only one is visible.
So I have this phantom app, still loading some broken JS in every single issue, that I cannot update or uninstall. Uninstalling the app from the other environment doesn’t change anything.

It is again, not directly related to your issue, but clearly, Forge apps can easily end up in a very weird state of installation, and I suppose it will get worse with Connect on Forge.

Hi! Nice to see you again!

Also, have you tried to uninstall the app from the “Connected apps” page in site admin?

I would expect that to work just fine.

@danielwester Ok, it does not seem like you have shared the issue link with us yet and my team is currently looking at 3 issues from 55 Degrees and are not sure which one is the one you are referring to here. Can you please provide the ticket number that you are referring to specifically? Cheers.

Hi @danielwester,

I’ve found the CA-3281515 ticket and added a reply there but if my suggestion doesn’t work, please open a ECOHELP for the Developer and Support team to work on as we can’t transfer the CA ticket to our queue.

What I suspect, and I’m trying to confirm this is that Forge apps installed into production environment, uninstalled and then also installed from Marketplace and uninstalled end up in a weird state where some systems are saying the app is provisioned and some say it’s not.

At this time, my guess is to use the Forge CLI to uninstall the production app, and then use Marketplace / UPM to reinstall it. I haven’t tested this but it’s an assumption based on what I’ve read.


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Same thing in the new interface, only one of the two installation of my App is here:

And it is the one from the silvere DEV env:

In Jira admin:

When in the new interface I uninstall the one from silvere, the other one appears, but when I clicked to uninstall it, I get an error:

    "data": {
        "uninstallApp": {
            "success": false,
            "taskId": null,
            "errors": [
                    "message": "No Installation found for {\"context\":\"ari:cloud:jira:ecc2e059-58c5-4f85-86e5-709fbf7ebdec:workspace/e9bbe582-e86b-445a-8aec-de39b7f93a16\",\"appReference\":{\"appAri\":{\"appId\":\"30c9767f-cb6a-4328-8553-609ae53ebeb8\",\"environmentId\":\"1e07a673-ce81-4337-89f5-802f8b01f5b1\"}}}",
                    "extensions": {
                        "statusCode": 404,
                        "errorType": "INSTALLATION_NOT_FOUND",
                        "__typename": "GenericMutationErrorExtension"
                    "__typename": "MutationError"
            "__typename": "AppUninstallationResponse"
    "extensions": {
        "gateway": {
            "request_id": "f54c5d410783414b95a890ede1f4ee92",
            "crossRegion": false,
            "edgeCrossRegion": false

I’ll go ahead and open the ECOHELP issue, but according to forge CLI it’s not installed there. :frowning:

Hmm, that must be a busted cache, quite rare but I have seen it before. Can you please raise a ECOHELP ticket and point the request towards the Ecosystem Lifecycle team. Then tell them that I suggested that they start with a cs-extensions cache refresh.


Sorry @danielwester to have hijacked your thread.

It sounds like a frustrating issue with the Forge migration. I haven’t encountered the same problem, but it might be related to licensing or installation during the migration. Have you checked the app’s license status via Atlassian’s API or reviewed Forge’s latest docs for any installation issues? Since you’ve escalated the matter, it might help to ask for a more specific timeline or further diagnostics from Atlassian support.