New Announcement banner API shipped to Jira Cloud

Hello community!

We are excited to let you know that we have published a new Jira API for configuring the Announcement banner. Please see the changelog for more details.

If you have any feedback or questions, let us know in the comments below.

Thank you!


Out of curiosity: what will happen if two apps call that API endpoint? Will it show multiple announcements? Will the last one persevere? And will it override any existing administrator-set announcement?

I can see a world in which this is going to create a lot of chaos and confusion…


@SzymonRekawek this is exciting! Do you have any idea when addons will be able to use that same location for showing content? :slight_smile:

Hey @remie,
There is only one Announcement Banner, it can be managed by Jira administrator or by any app that has required permissions. If some app will try to read the banner, it will get the latest configuration that has been set either by app or admin.

So yes, the last one will preserve and it will override the administrator-set announcement.

Apps can already use the new endpoint. Just make sure that app has the required scopes and it will be able to manage the banner in Jira.

@SzymonRekawek - I am not talking about the API Endpoint.
I am talking about a header location, like the banner, where my App can show its own content.
Confluence Cloud has a header location that apps can use, but Jira Cloud does not
I’ve been advocating for years now, for Atlassian to add such a location to no avail.

Since the Announcement banner represents a UI fragment that is shown on every single screen in Jira Cloud, can we get an equivalent thing for Apps to use?

Hey @ademoss, thanks for clarifying your question. Personally I am not aware of such feature coming to Jira.

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