I’m not sure how you would group fields in a glance since the plugin just has one glance to display everything, maybe I’m missing something.
So we have the glance summary (always visible on the right-hand column of new issue view) and glance detail (the iFrame that gets loaded after a user clicks into that glance). The glance summary would be something like “Company Details”. When you click in it would show any number of custom fields because that’s the iFrame.
We are working on allowing you to dynamically set the glance icon + name + status.
Alternatively, you could look at showing all these fields on the left-hand side using the Issue Content module. See Can vendors hide and the web panel opened by a quick-add button? - #13 by nnmatveev which describes what we are working on next. It will allow you to define an entity property tied to the issue Content module and you can control when to display the iFrame below (best practice is when there is content and we highly highly recommend this pattern)
As for the dynamic fields thing, I see what you mean…Let me ask around and get some more context on this.