New issue view seems to be incompatible with third-party apps or does not support it

Hi @mark,

I’m working on those three issues and is currently creating the product bug for the tab issue. As for the previous two, I’m coordinating with @adam on those.

Anne Calantog

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Hi Everyone,

Thanks for continuously reporting issues that you see. We appreciate it and we want to provide a world class developer experience.

For apps that created tabs via jiraIssueTabPanels that are not loading when you switched to them via the new issue drop down - please vote, watch, comment in : [JRACLOUD-70292] Tabs failed to load when switching between tabs via drop down on the new issue view - Create and track feature requests for Atlassian products.

Anne Calantog

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There is a newly created issue related to the gray panel problem. I’d appreciate it if anyone else sees the same issue to chime in here and on the issue.

Hi @acalantog

@Adam reported Context variables are not properly expanded in new Jira Cloud issue view .

Is this issue supposed to be fixed? I am currently encountering this in several Jira instances (some of our own, and some customer instances), and it’s causing our plugin to fail randomly.

Is anyone else encountering this issue at all? Or are there perhaps specific steps to hedge against this happening?

Any insight / help would be greatly appreciated.

Hi @ademoss

There was [ACJIRA-1918] - Ecosystem Jira recently resolved. Is it related or something new?

We also face issues which suggest the problem is still there on some instances.

@maciej.dudziak I can’t see that ticket. Keeps routing to the atlassian service desk.

Hi @ademoss,

Can you please try viewing with ?
