New permissions for an existing OAuth App

Hey there,
We want to change the permissions of an already approved OAuth app. Do we need to approve it again after the changes?
Or are the permissions available to change those that are already included in the authorization anyway?

Hi @SilasPinkinelli, if you change the scopes after a token has been generated, the scopes do not change for the pre-existing token. The user would have to go through the OAuth dance again with the new scopes in the auth request in order to have those new permissions applied.

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@nmansilla Thank you for the support :+1:

@nmansilla I think I was not clear on the issue. If the OAuth app is already approved and I change the permissions do I then need to get the app approved by Atlassian again?
So its less about the handshake and more about the approval by Atlassian.
Thank you!