Not archived Trello list in php

Hi I’m doing a Trello power up but I have a problem I’m trying to archive the lists on a board but I can’t and I get this error :
public 'code' => int 400 public 'raw_body' => string 'invalid value for value' (length=23) public 'body' => string 'invalid value for value'

php example code:

$response = Unirest\Request::put("".$id."/closed?key=***&token=***" );

Trello Documents

Can you help solve this problem?


There’s a ‘value’ query param that has to be set to true in order to close (archive) the list.

Change your request to "".$id."/closed?key=***&token=***&value=true"

It should work :slight_smile:

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Thanks It’s so helped :grinning: