Dear Atlassian (as this is not a personally directed at you @asridhara),
You. Are. Not. Listening.
We know the context, we don’t need another marketing message with rehashed talking points on how great Forge is compared to Connect (esp. because you should Stop saying forge is more secure than connect)
You have an Atlassian Marketplace GOLD Partner telling you:
Reading about new Forge-only features just sounds so ridiculous if the majority of the ecosystem partners are deeply invested in Connect and have no means to make use of them until Atlassian starts prioritizing projects like Connect on Forge. It feels like Atlassian decided to move on to a new platform without thinking of bringing the ecosystem partners with them. Ultimately I keep asking myself: Who is Atlassian developing these features for?
And you have an Atlassian Marketplace PLATINUM Partner telling you:
I’d say these are more than just a “few limitations”. It’s a shame since the UI modifications look really powerful, but I’d say it’s not yet worth our time to invest building an app for it just to get 1-star reviews because of missing Forge support.
Please tell me, how are you going to resolve your problem of hampering Cloud migration because of blockers related to the Atlassian Ecosystem if you are not listening to the people that you depend on to resolve this issues?
You are loosing the confidence of the people on whom you depend, the people that are cheering for you, your greatest promotors, the people that want you to succeed. If you can’t listen to their concerns and address them properly (you know, like, in correspondence with your explicit company value) you are setting yourself up for failure.
This is not a technical topic, this is a topic about stakeholder management, and despite all the nice white papers you can write about this, I’m sorry to say that you are really doing a shitty job.