Page_copied webhook: original page id?

We save the per-page configuration of our app in the page’s content properties. When copying a page, the content properties are not present in the copy. So, when a page is copied, we want to manually copy those content properties from the original page to the copied page. To do so, we want to use the page_copied webhook to know when a copy of a page is made. However, we found that the webhook data does not include the id of the original page - only the id of the copy. Hence, we cannot get the content properties from the original page.

Should Atlassian expand the page_copied webhook data to include the original page id? Or, is there another way for us to make sure our app’s configuration for a page is preserved when a copy of the page is made?


Hi @MareinKnings ,

Thanks for pointing this out. It seems to be a gap in the API so I’ve created [CONFCLOUD-72337] Additional data required for page_copies events - Create and track feature requests for Atlassian products. for the Confluence Cloud team to address.
