Pending Jira 3LO App Approval tickets

How long does it take to get approval on 3LO apps for public distribution? We submitted a ticket for approval over a month ago and we haven’t received any update on our ticket except the generic Bot response asking questions around the integration which we responded immediately to.

I know this is a repeated topic, but I feel like this has come up enough times as an issue over the past 1-2 years that something has to be changed in this process. We currently have paying mutual clients waiting on our 3LO integration but we cannot make any progress until we get approval for our app. Is there anyway to at least get an update or timeline to expect whether we’re approved or not? Just giving us a human response is better than no response at all :frowning: .

Any help would be greatly appreciated, this is our ticket: Jira Service Management

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Is there any help on this from Jira?

Same thing, no any response, no any info. Atlassian the best.

So now I’ve received approval but whenever I toggle the “Make Public” setting on the app and click Save it never saves the details it just reverts back to being not public. So public but not really? Has anyone successfully set their apps to be public after receiving approval, I hope getting this addressed does’nt take another 2 months!

Hi Bart. We’ve responded in the ticket and things should hopefully work as expected now.

Hi everyone,

First off, we’re very sorry for the delays in processing 3LO app approvals. I’m happy to say that we’ve now cleaned up the backlog and are committed to stay on top of new incoming 3LO requests.

In addition to that, we’ve simplified the submission requirements. Now, to process 3LO requests, we’ll require:

  • A link to your privacy policy hosted on your own domain
  • Your account ID

For new 3LO submissions, the privacy policy and account ID will now be mandatory fields.

I’m going to close this thread for the time being. My team and I are looking forward to assisting you with new 3LO tickets in a timely manner.


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