Platform 7 upgrade in progress: Learn about the first highlights and changes

Hi @MarekTokarski,

Thanks for summarizing all the updates in a single post.

I have same questions about the linked POM file for platform-public-api.

How should we understand the dependencies listed there?
How should we read this document?
Does each dependency listed in this pom mean that it will be available in Jira 10?

Example (some use case):

a) Some plugin use commons-lang library in application.
b) The commons-lang library is included in the dependencies list in the platform-public-api pom file.

Considering the sentence: “platform-public-api 19 dependencies exported through OSGi and publicly available to all apps.”

Is it enough to set the scope of the commons-lang dependency to provided in this application?

Additionally, how does this set of dependencies in platform-public-api relate to the article Announcing Data Center Platform 7.0. Next step to improve our security posture, which states that commons-lang will be removed from Platform 7?

Another example:

In the document Announcing Data Center Platform 7.0. Next step to improve our security posture, we can see that the dependency opensymphony:propertyset will also be removed, but it still exists in the platform-public-api POM file. Based on the information provided, can we safely use this dependency with the provided scope in application that relies on propertyset classes?
