Platform 7 upgrade in progress: Learn about the first highlights and changes

:one: :orange_square: Could you please answer my Plattform 7 question regarding OSGI Imports for Log4J+HttpClient+CommonsLogging+Slf4j, thanks:

:two: :white_check_mark: I followed the REST V2 notes and got it working

  • Tested in official Docker image Confluence 9.0.0-m8
  • BUT I get this error in my unit tests:
java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.glassfish.jersey.internal.RuntimeDelegateImpl
  • Should I go with these dependencies (below) to make it work?
  • What is the correct sope for all these dependencies?
  • Should jersey-common be scope=test?
  • Should the javax.servlet:javax.servlet-api pulled in by atlassian-rest-v2-api be excluded, because the enforcer plugin complained?
  • How can I even “see/test” that my REST API is now V2?
  • Why did my v1 REST App (before I made these changes) work in Confluence 9.0.0-m8?
  • I get errors for @JsonProperty and @JsonAutoDetect, what is the replacement?
    • Can I safely use: org.codehaus.jackson:jackson-core-asl:1.9.13 to make it work?
        <!-- CONFLUENCE 9 REST V2 ADD -->
            <!-- For @JsonAutodetect and @JsonProperty -->

:three: :orange_square: Please clarify if this is correct, regarding the boms:

Confluence 9:


Confluence 8.8


Is this correct?

Thanks a lot :slight_smile: