Possible increase in invocation limit for getting large data from Confluence Cloud REST API

Please, is there a way to increase the invocation limit to around 20secs because I am trying to get a very large data from Confluence Cloud REST API and it is taking more than 10secs to receive the data response from the api. In this situation the resolver invocation breaks as a result of timeout even before I receive the data. Or is there any other option to solving this issue. Thanks.

The short answer is: no

But there is good thread with a few folks chiming in that I’d recommend keeping an eye on: How to handle slow REST calls in Forge (10 seconds limit) - #5 by JulianWolf


If you don’t mind sharing @GbemiKadri, what data are you trying to fetch?

Hi! @pgleeson I was trying to fetch the body view of a confluence page with around 500 -1000 jira issues on a very slow network https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/confluence/rest/api-group-content-body/#api-api-contentbody-convert-to-post