POST /rest/api/2/issue/{issueIdOrKey}/remotelink bug


This is for JIRA version 8.5.0. There appears to be a bug with the REST remotelink endpoint.

I am posting the following JSON body to try to create a new remote link:


“object”: {

"url": "[Code43]REPRO.txt",

"title": "DxDiag_vb19041--[Code43]REPRO.txt (12122019145855)"



And the response is: 400 Bad Request

"errorMessages": [],

"errors": {

    "url": "Invalid 'URL'. Make sure you include the full URL (e.g."



That URL is a working valid URL. I think the URL validation logic is incorrect, it seems to be too stringent.

If I remove “–[Code43]” from the URL, the POST remotelink will work successfully.

However, the entire URL “[Code43]REPRO.txt” is a working URL – why is it considered invalid?


Left Square Bracket and Right Square Bracket SHOULD be URL Encoded as %5B and %5D respectively.

Okay thanks @sfbehnke, I will add URL encoding to the logic.

Best regards,

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