Preparing for Jira Software 10.0 and Jira Service Management 6.0 - multiple EAPs coming your way

Yes, the GA is planned around Q2-Q3. We’re going to have multiple EAPs along this time and work with the community on the reported feedback just like we did with JSW 9.0 and JSM 5.0

WRT to scope, most of the breaking changes are related to Platform 7 mentioned

A list of JSW & JSM-related items is coming as we’re working in parallel on the Platform 7 adoption. Within the first JSW & JSM EAP were planning to expose these changes:

Comprehensive list will be included in the EAP changelog soon.

WRT communication the changelog is the standard way of getting the most accurate info about the early access program scope and tech details, and we will utilise it to the greatest extent. We decided to include additional posts on the dev community to enhance communication. Along with each JSW JSM eap, we will give you as much insight and documentation into the included changes as possible.