Preparing for Jira Software 10.0 and Jira Service Management 6.0 - multiple EAPs coming your way

Hello team, we understand that it took some time and we apologise for the delay. Today, we are happy to announce that we now have a JSW DC EAP build available at Jira Server Early Access Program (EAP) | Atlassian. You can find more details on changes included in the change-log

This build is centered around exposing Jira with its internal REST subsystem migrated to RESTv2. Currently, REST v2 affects Jira Software (JSW) DC exclusively. JSM is also part of the scope for RESTv2 and is currently undergoing migration. It will be included in future EAPs.

Looking forward to hearing your feedback.

The Jira team


And this is just the beginning :smiley:

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Hi @AndrzejKotas
I have a question. Is it normal that our Marketplace Addon without any Platform 7 changes works correctly in Jira 10?
What was the goal of this EAP?

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@AndrzejKotas some questions about this Removal of dependencies

In this post : rfc-24 we have a list that is different from above. What about missing dependencies?

I donā€™t see any information about removing H2, is this still for Jira 10?

It seems like
is not available with the Jira 10 EAP. is listed as exported package in the System Bundle and the same code works with the Confluence 9 EAP, so Iā€™m assuming this is not intended.

Is that a known issue?

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Hi @rafal.janiczak1

This EAP was shipped with the capacity to still service the old REST subsystem. You should dive deep into the migration guide and migrate your Addon to new REST. That will be part of your Jira 10 / Platform 7 adaptation, and more platform components will change and will require further work. From our experience this is the most tricky part thatā€™s why we focused to ship this milestone to you as soon as we could.

Your plugin might work, just as some of the bundled plugins shipped with this EAP work. But there are some that already use the v2 subsystem, including main Jira REST api and beans (serialising/deserialising Jiraā€™s REST API beans with RESTv1 will fail in many places). The objective is to go off old Jersey and Jackson, both are our forks, so they need to go. Please refer to the linked guide and post here if you have questions.


I see you have your own system for local development so I understand if this isnā€™t pressing for you right now (of course with Platform 7 too), but if the issues you experienced werenā€™t the same as the thread and werenā€™t the same as any youā€™ve previously reported on our issue trackers could you please create a new developer community thread and tag me? I would like to get our frontend development tooling in tip-top shape again.

Iā€™m sorry I donā€™t have any immediate answers for you, weā€™d need to spend some time digging deeper, it can be complex.

We will revisit the thread and update the example, but first our team is focusing on Platform 7 issues as they crop up and fixing other WRM Webpack Plugin bugs

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Itā€™s still in Jira 10. the removal will be part of the next EAP.

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Removal in what sense? Is H2 still supported for running Jira for development purposes?

Hi @lwlodarczyk

Thank you for your clarification.
Iā€™m already familiar with the migration guide and Iā€™m aware of the changes to the REST API. Iā€™ve already started migrating our plugin, but the latest EAP doesnā€™t guarantee that the changes Iā€™ve made are complete.

Since the final version of Jira 10 is still up in the air, Iā€™m unsure how well my current changes will work with older versions of Jira, nor am I certain which changes will be compatible with the final version of Jira 10.

When can we expect an EAP that is closer to the final version of Jira 10?


@JrgBrandsttt Thank you for raising the issue. It seems the EAP carried undocumented changes in Crowd aimed for Platform 7.

Iā€™m taking this to the Platform and Crowd teams. Iā€™ll confirm whether the effect youā€™re observing is coming to future Confluence EAP releases, or if it is a bug.

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The closest to the final will be the version that integrates Platform 7 fully. We aim to have this by the end of May.


H2 will be removed from supported platforms as an embedded database. Weā€™re also removing the whole evaluation flow which used H2 during trial time.
If you choose to continue using H2 database in your development and testing cycle it may still work, depending you provide it, but we cannot guarantee it.

Can we know what is in EAP 02 please? There is nothing in the changelogā€¦

ups sorry about that, some miss communication on our end. Change log is updated now. All is appropriate to EAP02.

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We followed these instructions:

and add jira-deprecated-api-bom because we have a dependency on com.atlassian.jira:jira-func-tests-legacy and we know itā€™s going to be removed.

We have the impression that this dependency has already been removed and that it did not go through the deprecated phase, can you confirm?

What are your recommendations regarding this dependency because instructions donā€™t help us? :frowning_with_open_mouth:

Does this mean that atlas-debug will be broken now?
Or H2 will be replaced with something else?
Is there an alternative jira-plugin-test-resources-xxx dumps for other database engines?

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Hi @AndrzejKotas ,

We tried installing our plugins with no changes on Jira 10 EAP 2. Unfortunately they didnā€™t activate. In the logs we can see the error:

Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: not found by com.easesolutions.jira.plugins.testmanagement [253]

This class is part of the latest Jira 9.14 API: FilterBean (Atlassian Jira - Server 9.14.0 API)

But we couldnā€™t find any Jira 10 API or SDK published. Is there any available?

Is this class now simply gone?



Hi @lexek-92, H2 library will still be bundled by amps and nothing will really change. Please keep in mind that we donā€™t support H2 anymore and we may remove it in the future.


Hi! Yes, we have already removed this dependency.
We have also apparently mistakenly advised to migrate to FuncTestCase whereas we should migrate from it to com.atlassian.jira.functest.framework.BaseJiraFuncTest.

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