Problem with locustio Data Center testing

Is anyone else having problems with the locustio data center test? We just rebuilt our environment, got the latest tests and try to run the performance tests as locustio. All of the tests seem to run ok but at the end we get

22:40:58 WARNING: Errors for python util/jtl_convertor/ kpi.jtl selenium.jtl:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "util/jtl_convertor/", line 187, in <module>
  File "util/jtl_convertor/", line 178, in main
    __convert_jtl_to_csv(jtl_file_path, csv_file_path, default_test_actions)
  File "util/jtl_convertor/", line 67, in __convert_jtl_to_csv
    convert_to_csv(output_csv=output_file_path, input_jtl=input_file_path, default_test_actions=default_test_actions)
  File "util/jtl_convertor/", line 159, in convert_to_csv
    headers = csv_list[0].keys()
IndexError: list index out of range

Selenium.jtl has data in it but kpi.jtl just has the headings.
In results the locustio.err file just contains

WARNING:root:request_success event deprecated. Use the request event.
WARNING:root:request_failure event deprecated. Use the request event.
[DEPRECATED] The --hatch-rate parameter has been renamed --spawn-rate
 Name                                                          # reqs      # fails  |     Avg     Min     Max  Median  |   req/s failures/s
 Aggregated                                                         0     0(0.00%)  |       0       0       0       0  |    0.00    0.00

Response time percentiles (approximated)
 Type     Name                                                              50%    66%    75%    80%    90%    95%    98%    99%  99.9% 99.99%   100% # reqs

and the locust.log file contains lots of

[2021-12-19 22:35:45,596] b2f846458267/ERROR/root: Uncaught exception in event handler: 
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/locust/", line 40, in fire
TypeError: fire_deprecated_request_handlers() missing 2 required positional arguments: 'exception' and 'context'

The above tests are when there are no changes to the tests except the jira.yml. I’m also using 5.2.0 of atlassian/dcapt (the latest version fails because it is using too higher version of python and so errors straight away)
Has anyone else had this problem or know what could be causing it? (edited)