Problems with api endpoint "Get issue limit report"

We are developing a Jira application using Forge.
I am trying to use the “get issue limit report endpoint” to get a warning when the amount of worklogs for an issue is approaching the maximum threshold of 10000.

API documentation:

At first glance there are some oddities, i.e. the example request is made “asUser” and the endpoint expects a request body, even though it is a GET endpoint.

But testing with postman was successful and it works fine there.

The problem is in the app code using @forge/api.

Using code like this…

	const getIssueLimitReport = async () => {
		const bodyData = {
			issuesApproachingLimitParams: {
				worklog: 8000,

		const response = await api.asApp().requestJira(route`/rest/api/3/issue/limit/report`, {
			headers: {
				"Accept": "application/json",
				"Content-Type": "application/json",
			body: JSON.stringify(bodyData),

		if (!response.ok) {
			// throw and log error

		return await response.json();

…results in this error.

TypeError: Request with GET/HEAD method cannot have body

As far as I understand…
The forge function requestJira is build in a very restrictive way. It doesn’t allow a request body with method GET and will always throw a hard error there. Also, the “get issue limit report” endpoint doesn’t allow any other http methods (POST?).

Could you configure the endpoint “get issue limit report” to accept requests with POST methods? I think that would completely solve the problem here :smiley:

Hello @FelixRegner

This is a known problem and has been discussed on this forum a few times already (Search the forum for ‘issue limit report’ to see where)

Atlassian’s Forge framework uses a partial implementation of the node-fetch module to underpin the requestJira() method to access Jira’s REST API, and that node-fetch version currently doesn’t support passing parameters in the body of GET requests.

Hi @sunnyape

Thank you for your reply.

Is there a solution in active development? Maybe an issue i could track or vote on?