Pure wildcard ("*") allowed origins on app keys will no longer be recognized and will be fully deprecated

Hi, please contact support or the developer of this Chrome extension and direct them to this announcement. The directions above are meant for 3rd party developers, not customers. There is nothing you can do as a customer to fix this issue.

Hi, could you contact support or the developer for that app, and direct them to this announcement? There is action required on their side.

This update has made Facebook Workplace integration completely obsolete to integrate Trello. Any attempt to integrate Trello to Workplace by Facebook now return error code: Invalid return_url. Wildcard (“*”) allowed origins are no longer supported. Contact the developer. See Pure wildcard ("*") allowed origins on app keys will no longer be recognized and will be fully deprecated
Has anyone found a workaround of some sort to be able to integrate Trello to Workplace?
Not sure how much changes needed to be made due to this change from Atlassian’s end but Facebook is acting very slow on this it’s getting frustrating.

Hi. Question. Was this change communicated via the Trello Developers mailing list?

There’s a mailing list for (breaking) changes to the Trello API. As a developer, I have signed up to this mailing list expecting to be notified about crucial updates like this. Now I had to find out via one of my users that our integration with Trello wasn’t working anymore and after some Googling I found this announcement. Seemingly, it was only posted in this forum.

So now developers have to monitor this forum to stay ahead of (breaking) changes to the Trello API? Or have I missed something?

Hey Robin, thanks for bringing up this question. We’ll be working on trying to improve developer communication in the future.

To answer your question, besides this forum we also have two other places we publish platform changes: our official changelog (which also has an rss feed) and a public trello board:

  1. https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/trello/changelog/
  2. Trello board

Hope that helps.


@Jireh Hey, I have the same problem, trying to do external system import in Jira from Trelo and i get
“Invalid return_url. Wildcard (”“) allowed origins are no longer supported. Contact the developer. See Pure wildcard ("*") allowed origins on app keys will no longer be recognized and will be fully deprecated”* message. What can I do and how can i solve this? Can you help?

A post was split to a new topic: Allowed Domains Error while building Power-Up