Release notes for deployments to prod

Since recently, Forge started generating minor version updates on each deployment to prod that does not require scope upgrade.

Is there a way to set release notes at the deploy time? (if no, then one should be implemented)

With multiple deploys per day, customers get spammed with “Minor version update” message. Instead, we would like to have the ability to specify which changes we made as part of forge deploy command - i.e. forge deploy -r "Updated authentication methods".

Currently, from customer perspective, it looks like app developers are too lazy to explain what was changed in a version which creates bad optics, and there is no way to suppress those messages except for unsubscribing from app updates.


Same here … with bug fixes we do not have a mechanism to notify customers on what’s new and fixed in the new forge version

Afaik the only way at the moment is to go back to the Marketplace, and edit the version it created.

Of course, that is super clunky to do manually. You can script via the Marketplace API

However, yes, having it as part of the Forge CLI would be the best way.


Hi all,

Related to this, I found the FRGE-842 suggestion where a few partners and developers have been suggesting a few alternatives as well.


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