Render HMTL in ComposableEditor

Hi there,

When i try to render html in the Editor using ConfluenceTransformer I am getting this error:

Error processing value: <p> test test</p> isn't a valid JSON

I see that the Editor accept only JSON data ,but I thought setting the contentTransformerProvider will handle the transfomraiton from JSON to HTML.

My code:

const createPreset = () =>
    new EditorPresetBuilder()
const {editorApi, preset} = usePreset(createPreset);

const transformer = useMemo(() =>
            editorApi?.core?.actions?.createTransformer((schema) => new ConfluenceTransformer(schema))
        , [editorApi]);

 defaultValue="<p> test test</p>"
 onChange={() => {
      editorApi?.core?.actions.requestDocument(doc => {
  }, {transformer});

How to fix this issue?

Thank you