Reordering custom field options failure

I am attempting to reorder custom field options via the PUT /move endpoint but it fails with a 429 rate limit error 100% of the time. I am not making any requests to this endpoint and requests to the GET/POST custom field option endpoints are working fine. There are no headers in the response indicating when the rate limit will reset. Here is the log reference from one of my last failed requests: 5635523a-ded2-4a02-a009-af7b7b80beb4. Could someone please help troubleshoot this issue?

Thank you


thanks for reporting this issue. Could you please check the endpoint for reorder of custom field options once again?

We’ve detected that one of the rate-limiting rules for URLs has too wide scope and matched also this endpoint. That’s the reason why Jira was responding with 429 error code. Rule was adjusted so this endpoint should work properly now.