Requesting access to the Email API as an IPAAS (integration platform-as-a-service)

Workato, our platform, allows our users to create complex workflows on their Jira instances (both cloud and on-premise).

The inability to retrieve user emails is a major blocker for many of our users, as a user’s email is frequently used as a common key to map the same user in other apps (e.g. when an issue is assigned to a user in Jira, post a direct message to the same user in Slack by using his e-mail address).

As such, we don’t really have an app ID or a listing in the marketplace to fill up this form to request access to the email API.

How do we go about re-enabling access to e-mails in our API calls?

P.S Unsure if related, but w.r.t Jira, our platform’s Jira connector uses token auth.

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Your best bet to get a response is to drop in an issue at Jira Service Management .

That said - my suspicion is that Atlassian’s hesitation will be that there are users that won’t have given their permission for you to retrieve their email address in the instance (which is what a lot of the api changes is really about) - but I’m not Atlassian so drop in a request and see what they say.

Otherwise - you might need to write an app - either a 3lo app or a straight connect app that can create an id on the users so that they can then be mapped without the email address or other pii data.

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