Response size limit on Trello rest api


Is there any response size limit applied to the Trello API – /1/boards/{id}/cards.
If yes, how to fetch the information for maximum no. of cards possible that is within the API response size limits?

Hi and welcome! Have a look here: Rate Limits

Yes, I’ve already seen this page. But my question is - how would I know the exact response size limit details for a particular API, - /1/boards/{id}/cards in my case.

The documentation mentions that There may be limits enabled to ensure that too many Trello objects are not returned in a single, large request., but how do we know the exact size limits so that we can accordingly break our fetch requests before hand.

Have you tried it yet or are you just preemptively asking? At any rate, you’ll probably have to inspect the response as noted in the docs and handle it appropriately.

Response Size Limits

There may be limits enabled to ensure that too many Trello objects are not returned in a single, large request.

For instance, there is a limit in place to restrict the number of cards that can be returned with their actions in a single call. This error is often hit when making a request for all of a board’s cards and their actions. For example:


If this call is not limited on a large board, you may hit the following error:

{ "message": "Requested too many cards with action loads, please limit", "error": "API_TOO_MANY_CARDS_REQUESTED" }

Instead, we recommend making additional requests for card’s actions after you’ve received all of the cards from your initial request.

A couple pointers:

  • Don’t ask for everything in your call; filter it down to the fields you only need to make your subsequent calls; it’s my understanding the limit isn’t the count of items, but the size of the payload. Filtering will reduce that.
  • If you’re concerned about asking for all the cards, maybe try traversing through a board’s lists and then each ask for cards on each list.

Hope this helps! And, if you do find the limit, please post it here and let us all know if you encountered it.

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