/rest/project-templates/1.0/createshared/10005 unavailable with both OAuth and API Token

Hi guys,

I’d like to use the /rest/project-templates/1.0/createshared/{projecId} end-point to create project with shared config via the API. In the past, we were able to use this end-point with basic auth, but that’s (understandably) no longer the case.

However, when authorizing with my API Token based basic auth, I get:

“message”: “Client must be authenticated to access this resource.”,
“status-code”: 401

While with my Bearer Token I get the same message if I use https://{site}.atlassian.net/rest/project-templates/1.0/createshared/{projecId} or the following error:

“errorMessages”: [
“OAuth 2.0 is not enabled for this method.”

if I use https://api.atlassian.com/ex/jira/{id}/rest/project-templates/1.0/createshared/{projecId} .

Any thoughts on how to fix this?


Hi @SherpaBusinessAutoma,

The Jira team are making more APIs available to OAuth 2.0 (3LO) apps.


Thanks, any timeline indication?

Hi @SherpaBusinessAutoma,

There’s no timeline, but I will draw this to the attention of the Jira team just in case it influences their prioritisation.
