Retrieving Confluence page comments via GraphQL API

It doesn’t appear that the beta comments field of the Confluence GraphQL API is working. When I make the following request:

query getPage {
  confluence {
  	page(id: "<PAGE_ARI_HERE>") {
      commentCountSummary {
      comments(commentType: FOOTER) {
        body {
          storage {

with these headers:

  "X-ExperimentalApi": "confluence-agg-beta"

the following is returned:

  "data": {
    "confluence": {
      "page": {
        "title": "Page 1",
        "commentCountSummary": {
          "total": 6
        "comments": []
  "extensions": {
    "gateway": {
      "request_id": "fd7db98a442347f68779b749684a666d",
      "crossRegion": false,
      "edgeCrossRegion": false

Despite there being 6 comments on the page (as shown in the commentCountSummary value), no comments are returned inside the comments array. This behaviour occurs when removing the (commentType: FOOTER) condition in the request as well as changing the requested fields inside the comments + trying to use it on different pages.

Understand that this field is marked as a “Beta Field” but was wondering whether this was expected?

cc @LucasPan @TylerBrown in case either of you know too.

Hi @joshp ,

You’re right this field is not fully implemented at this time unfortunately. I am not aware of any plans to implement it but I’ll follow up with a few folks internally to ask.

Sorry about that.

Thanks for the update @TylerBrown.