Scopes for OAuth App of confluence and Jira were removed automatically all of sudden

Hello everyone,

We have created OAuth Apps for different QA and production environments for our customers.
All of sudden, we noticed all the scopes, we configured previously got removed.

Attaching the screenshots and app details for few apps.

Jira OAuth App details:
client id : yqJS5BDj6s4miTaNAsLvXXBOKP62QJqz
App ID: 4802f8bf-96ce-4fdf-b557-2c775427c538
Domain Name:
Scopes set By us: read:jira-user, read:jira-work, write:jira-work, offline_access

Confluence OAuth App details:
client id : v4j6N9v1lU5NIw4bZbqx0gwjGDv2hUts
App ID : c8dbb79b-f6c7-492d-9fb3-9fa496944d2a
Domain Name:
Scopes set By us: write:confluence-content read:confluence-content.summary write:confluence-file offline_access read:jira-user write:confluence-props

Is there any audit API kind of thing from where we can check what happened to these Apps.

Please help on this on priority and let us know the reason.

McAfee Team,