Server GDPR timeline and questions

Hey @fmunhoz,

You can refer to in the jira-func-test-plugin to see how we set up our integration tests for this area. It was added in Jira 8.2.

As a step by step breakdown, you will need to use AnonymizeUserService that’s available through @ComponentImport.

First, you will have to create an anonymization request and validate it, e.g.:

        final AnonymizeUserService.AnonymizeValidationResult validateResult = anonymizeUserService.validateAnonymize(AnonymizeUserService.AnonymizeUserRequest.builder()
        if (!validateResult.isValid()) {
            return Response.status(Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST).entity(

Then, you can actually perform the operation using the validation result from the last step:

        final AnonymizeUserService.AnonymizePerformResult performResult = anonymizeUserService.perform(validateResult);
        if (!performResult.getReport().isValid()) {
            return Response.status(Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST).entity(

Finally, we return a custom object that holds some outputs from the operation, just to perform asserts in the integration tests:

        return Response.ok(
                new AnonymizePerformResult(...)

Hope this helps. :slight_smile: