ServiceDesk version info changed to hash?

In our add-in, we use a call to /rest/servicedeskapi/info to detect the current version. This recently changed from a normal version string “X.Y.Z” to something like below, where it’s not possible to do any assumptions anymore. Is this correct?

    "version": "1c6628d7c1d0b27eccfec582ca2d8389712288be",
    "platformVersion": "1c6628d7c1d0b27eccfec582ca2d8389712288be",
    "buildDate": {
        "iso8601": "2018-10-16T02:00:00+0200",
        "jira": "2018-10-16T02:00:00.000+0200",
        "friendly": "Today 2:00 AM",
        "epochMillis": 1539648000000
    "buildChangeSet": "1c6628d7c1d0b27eccfec582ca2d8389712288be",
    "isLicensedForUse": true,
    "_links": {
        "self": ""


Hi Tobias,

The change of the version info into a hash was an intentional change. Seeing as it provides little value to include proper versioning in our cloud API, we have decided to replace the version with a hash.

Can you let us know what use case you had for the version string? Perhaps we can suggest an alternative solution for your use case.


@dma We use this API across the server and cloud REST API of ServiceDesk, so we could do something like:

“If version is larger than 3.3.0, the following feature is supported” (as cloud was always larger (10000+).

This was convenient as we did need to have the info if it’s a cloud or server system in every place in our code, which is now necessary…


Hey @tobias.viehweger - if all you need is to know whether you’re targetting a cloud or server instance, you may get what you need from /rest/api/2/serverInfo - but this resource is not accessible without credentials. Does that help ?