Storing issue-related data with Atlassian Connect


I’m currently trying to store data in a reliable way for my Atlassian Connect app.

I tried to add a “text” field in atlassian-connect.json to store my data in JSON format, but this type of field is limited to 255 characters, and there’s no way to add an unlimited text field from this file…

However, I found that it’s possible to create this type of field from the REST API, but it’s a pain to check if the field already exists to avoid adding it multiple times.

There’s also application properties but it comes with its own limitations, and I want to store my data per issue.

So how should I store my data, since there’s no obvious way to do it?

Thanks in advance



You actually listed all the options of storing data in Jira. The only other option is to store them in your own database.

Please vote for the multiline custom field support (the one defined in atlassian-connect.json): [ACJIRA-1661] - Ecosystem Jira
We will hopefully get it one day.


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Hi Jack,

Thanks for your answer, however I’m unable to access this issue to vote…
It redirects me on a JSD portal

I’ve just checked that I’m able to access the link from the “private browsing” tab when I’m not logged in.

Please try again in a different browser. It should work.

I can indeed access the link from private browsing, but once I login I got redirected.

I think this feature will never be added since people just can’t vote on it.

Hmm. That strange. I can see there are 16 votes and comments from other users.

Nevertheless, I asked Atlassian to check the security level and make sure that users can vote it.


Take a look at entity property.

I checked and the current security level should allow a logged on user to vote for and watch the issue. Not sure why @quentin.bazin cannot vote for it when logged in. I tried it now and was able to access it as expected.

We have the same problem here. Our 2 options

  • Forcing the user to create an unlimited text custom field
  • Give them an out of the box issue field that will hit the limit pretty soon.

What should we do?

Our users are hitting the limits and we need to advise them to migrate to standard text custom fields.

Hello @fboucquez,

I finally decided to use my own database to store the data, but I definitely think entity properties (as mentioned by dzagorovsky) are the best way to achieve what you want. I plan to rework my plugin to use these properties instead of my database.